Category Archives: I-24

The names were changed, but they continue to develop a workforce trained in today’s technology skillsets

The state’s workforce training schools, vocational technical schools for adults and formerly  known as Tennessee Technology Centers, were renamed Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology on July 1, 2013. The name change more accurately reflects the post-secondary training provided at the … Continue reading

Posted in Higher Education, I-24, I-40, innovation, Qualitätsarbeitskräften, quality labor force, technology | Comments Off on The names were changed, but they continue to develop a workforce trained in today’s technology skillsets

Focus on Infrastructure for Economic Development

As I am wrapping things up here at the office and preparing to call an end to this long week, I am hopeful that all the work we are doing prepares us to be better prepared when the economy improves. … Continue reading

Posted in I-24, I-40, I-65, I-840, Interstate 24, Interstate 40, Interstate 65, SR840 | Comments Off on Focus on Infrastructure for Economic Development