Second Regional Tourism Workshop to Focus on Generational Marketing

The second of three regional tourism business workshops will be held on March 12, at the Perry County Community Development Center. Over seventy people attended the first workshop and comments by those participating were overwhelmingly positive. These workshops are part of an overall regional initiative to create, expand and retain small businesses through increased tourist visitation to Hickman, Lewis, Perry and Wayne Counties.
Judy Randall of Randall Marketing is facilitating all three workshops. Judy is a “Travel Industry Futurist” and researcher who spent over 25 years capturing the voice of the customer. She is president and CEO of Randall Travel Marketing, Inc., a company that focuses solely on research for the travel and tourism industry. She has conducted comprehensive visitor research studies for over 100 small, medium and large destinations. Judy, along with Dr. Larry Gustke, co-authors the annual Top Ten Trends in Travel and Tourism (published annually since 1995). Judy is one of the top speakers in the travel industry and has spoken at numerous U.S. and international travel conferences.
Our upcoming workshop will cover the unique characteristics of the following generational groups;
• The War generation
• The Silent Generation
• The Baby-Boomers
• Generation X
• Generation Y
• The 911 Generation
• The “M” Generation
The Perry County Community Development Center is located at 113 Factory Street in Linden. Registration begins at 8:00AM and the workshop starts at 9:00AM and concludes at 2:00PM. Lunch will be served on-site and is free. There is no charge for the workshop.
Small businesses, chambers of commerce, economic and community development councils, and members of local government are encouraged to attend. This effort is sponsored by the Buffalo/Duck River Resource Conservation and Development Council, USDA Rural Development, the South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance, Columbia State Community College at Clifton and local governments and organizations.
To attend the March 12th Workshop, please RSVP the Buffalo/Duck River RC&D Council-PH 931/729-2686 EXT.110, FAX 931/729-5786 or Email: or .

About Daryl Phillips, CEcD

I am a professional economic developer. I presently work for communities and companies in developing and implementing workforce and economic development solutions as CEO of Phillips Economic Development Solutions (Phi EDS). Prior to September 2017, I was the economic development professional who served a community team of elected officials, business people, community leaders and dedicated stakeholders for economic development in Cheatham County, Tennessee (pop. 39,880) and its four towns. During my five-year tenure, I served the team as Cheatham County grew over 1,700 jobs, turned around population declines at the start of this decade into healthy population growth, increased tourism expenditures 20.3% and local tax revenue from tourism 25.4%, grew sales tax revenue 36%, focused on developing the local workforce and was recognized by SmartAsset as having the 9th highest Incoming Investment Index of all the 95 counties in Tennessee. I am a member of International Economic Development Council, Southern Economic Development Council, Tennessee Economic Development Council and International Council of Shopping Centers. I have earned the designation of Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) from International Economic Development Council (IEDC), the Economic Development Finance Professional (EDFP) certification from National Development Council and hold a Master of Business Administration from Tennessee Technological University.
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