Getting more tourists to visit our area requires thought and planning, and the best marketing ideas are only good if they are effectively implemented. In response to participation by leaders from Hickman, Lewis, Perry and Wayne counties the Buffalo/Duck River RC&D Council will be conducting a workshop on August 19 that will address both local and regional needs linking tourism and small business development and marketing and lay a solid foundation for developing both local and regional based planning opportunities.
John Whisenant, Executive Director of the Tennessee Tourism Roundtable will facilitate the workshop and has extensive experience in marketing tourist visitation and a wealth of knowledge in tourism and small business development. As executive director, he has a unique vantage point to view tourism as a statewide economic engine and while serving as Executive Director of the Williamson County Convention Visitors Bureau dealt with local issues in building a successful tourism marketing program. He also serves as an instructor for the Certified Tennessee Tourism Professional training program.
The workshop will be held at the Perry County Community Development Center in Linden from 9:00AM-12:00PM. Registration begins at 8:00AM. John will be available during and after lunch to answer any questions and comments. The workshop and lunch are free.
Small businesses, chambers of commerce, economic and community development councils, and members of local government and other organizations are encouraged to come and meet John and participate in this important event. This effort is sponsored by the Buffalo/Duck River Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Council through a partnership grant from USDA Rural Development.
To attend the August 19th workshop, please RSVP the Buffalo/Duck River RC&D Council-PH 931/729-2686 EXT.110, FAX 931/729-5786 or Email: or
from press release