Economic Development Blog Posts – from many, one.

I was looking through my bookmarks of rural economic development blogs and was struck by how many either didn’t exist anymore or had not been updated in many months.  This made me decide to spend some time searching for some more intelligent life out there in the form of a blog.  I guess I just like information a little more in depth than <= 140 words or that isn’t competing against Farmville and the like.

Not that I ready to create a list of my new favorite blogs, but I did find some blog posts with interesting economic development information:
Focus on rural Minnesota’s creative class, not chasing smokestacks” – Outdoor recreational amenities being increasingly a factor in location decisions by talent and by employers.

Is job growth a good measure for economic development?” – Public officials and economic developers do not create jobs – they can at best help companies and organizations create jobs. The American Dream Composite Index (ADCI) is talked about as a tool that measures how well states (will be available for smaller geographies in the future) are enabling residents to better achieve their American Dream.  BTW, Tennessee is number 33 in the ADCI list – guess not everyone is living the dream like we are.

Des Moines, Iowa Tops Forbes List of Best Places for Business” – Sure, Iowa is a nice place and it has the Iowa Butter Cow, I’ll give you that.  If you have a business and would like to have the opportunity to get a direct flight to serve most of your customers, you might like to know that Nashville joined Des Moines in the top five of Forbes list.

New Rural Economic Development Division and Other 2013 North Carolina Legislation” – The North Carolina General Assembly created a new rural economic development division in its session this year and passed other legislation geared toward improving the state’s economic development efforts.

Formal Broadband Plans Spur Economic and Social Development” – South Korea and Singapore is highlighted from a group of countries that developed a broadband plan and are reaping the benefits of implementing the plan for more technology availability and utilization.

LqP Computer Commuter Wows Kansas City” – I found this interesting article through a tweet that said this blog was an example of a good economic development blog.

When Is A Blog Not A Blog For Economic Development” – Hey, it looks like I’m doing a few things right!

Makers, Takers, and the Politics of Economic Development” – Politics and irrational decisions involved in economic development….. I’m shocked – shocked!

About Daryl Phillips, CEcD

I am a professional economic developer. I presently work for communities and companies in developing and implementing workforce and economic development solutions as CEO of Phillips Economic Development Solutions (Phi EDS). Prior to September 2017, I was the economic development professional who served a community team of elected officials, business people, community leaders and dedicated stakeholders for economic development in Cheatham County, Tennessee (pop. 39,880) and its four towns. During my five-year tenure, I served the team as Cheatham County grew over 1,700 jobs, turned around population declines at the start of this decade into healthy population growth, increased tourism expenditures 20.3% and local tax revenue from tourism 25.4%, grew sales tax revenue 36%, focused on developing the local workforce and was recognized by SmartAsset as having the 9th highest Incoming Investment Index of all the 95 counties in Tennessee. I am a member of International Economic Development Council, Southern Economic Development Council, Tennessee Economic Development Council and International Council of Shopping Centers. I have earned the designation of Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) from International Economic Development Council (IEDC), the Economic Development Finance Professional (EDFP) certification from National Development Council and hold a Master of Business Administration from Tennessee Technological University.
This entry was posted in broadband, social media, technology, Tennessee competitiveness, Tennessee Economic Development, Tennessee Site Selection, tourism value. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Economic Development Blog Posts – from many, one.

  1. Ed Burghard says:

    Thanks for the shout out. Your readers might also like to look at the 2012 American Dream State Ranking Report. It lists all 50 states (and DC) based on their performance in enabling residents to better achieve their American Dream –

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